Mastering The Bible

A Chronological Bible Study

How Was the Chronological Bible Study Developed?

This Chronological Study was compiled by Fannie B. Smith using the King James Version of the bible, the Chronological Bible and other reference material to form the outline, study questions and answers. The Chronological Bible was edited by Edward Reese, of Reese Religious Research. Copyright (C) Frank R. Klassen, 1977, E. E. Gaddy & Associates, Inc., Publishers.

Who Can Use this Chronological Bible Study?

This study can be used by the entire church, organizations in a group setting, a mid-day study class and by individuals at home as a home-study course. It is designed as an outreach opportunity to the community, the surrounding area, and beyond.

Why a Chronological Bible Study?

This is the only course where the outline will tell you where to find the answers, or that the questions will tell you where to look on the outline page to find the answering scripture.

How Does the Chronological Bible Study Work?

This outline and study are arranged in the order of occurrence, containing related events.


  1. Job was one of the Patriarchs and should be thought of along with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, between the years 1967-1606 B.C.

  2. Psalms 2 should follow David's Prayer in second Samuel 7:18-29 and should be joined or linked to first Chronicle 17: 16-27, also Psalms 110 should follow.

  3. Proverbs, see first Kings 4:32, "And he spake three thousand (3000) proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five," all which fall under the reign of Solomon, as well as the Song of Solomon. Also included are scriptures from Chronicles, Kings and Ecclesiastics.
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